
  • The applicant must be pursuing research in an area under the umbrella of the NSF Engineering Directorate.
  • The applicant must have completed their PhD (or can have completed up to a second postdoc) between 01/01/2023 and today.
  • The applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
  • The applicant must select a faculty advisor that is tenured, or tenure-track faculty, employed at a U.S. academic institution. 
  • The advisor the applicant co-creates their application with cannot be the applicant's PhD advisor or current/most recent postdoc advisor.
  • The research being proposed by the postdoc must be conducted at a U.S. academic institution.
  • The postdoc applicant must coordinate with a faculty postdoc advisor to apply as a pair, developing the application in a collaborative manner. 
  • Applicants may submit up to two applications, but only one can be awarded.

Please email efellows@asee.org to obtain a PDF copy of the Application Instructions. Instructions are also available to you upon opening up a digital application here.

Application Includes:

  • Contact Information
  • Demographic Information
  • Citizenship Information
  • Academic Background
  • Academic CV – 2 pages (pdf upload)
  • Discipline 
  • Research Proposal (project-based, technical plan) 
  • Proposed Fellowship Institution 
  • Letter of Reference (Current Research Supervisor) 
  • Letter of Reference 
  • Letter of Support (Mentor)
  • Mentor Department Chair Letter 
  • Research Professional Development & Mentoring Plan (additional developmental activities outside the scope of the proposed research project) 

Application Evaluation

The overall application package will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Educational Background: Suitability of educational preparation for undertaking proposed research.
  • Strength of References: Knowledge of and ability to judge qualifications of candidate. Content of reference.
  • Professional Research Experience: Preparation for proposed research indicated by prior professional experience or prior research center experience.
  • Research Productivity: Prior experience and accomplishments of applicant in area of proposed research. Number of papers and quality of outlets (refereed journals, proceedings, monographs and technical reports).
  • Research Mentor Endorsement: Strength of commitment of research mentor to participate in the proposed research. Interest in applicant.
  • Research Mentor’s Capabilities Relative to the Proposed Research: Match between applicant and faculty advisor pertinent to the proposed research and capability of the institution to provide equipment or other research support.
  • Quality and Effectiveness of Research Proposal: Clarity of presentation, organization, and approach. Literature awareness: Significance and feasibility of proposed research.

Re-engineer the world

Make the move that matters

Cohort Three - Competition Status

  • Applications for the program’s third cohort are currently being accepted on a rolling basis this year. We expect fellowship awards for cohort three will start being announced on a rolling basis this Spring into the Summer. There is no hard deadline to apply. There are, however, limited slots available. Our website will verify if slots are still available until they have been filled.
  • Please contact efellows@asee.org with questions.


The E-Fellows program will provide postdoctoral researchers with a salary of $75,000 per year, for two years. Upon selection, ASEE will issue subawards to host institutions, to cover salary, benefits and up to $3,000 for travel expenses per fellow.


The eFellows program is currently seeking qualified individuals to review applications for the program's second cohort, which is expected to start this Fall.